Learn how to calculate and analyze brand development and category development index.

Telmar (Reach & Frequency)

Provides an overview of how to pull plan delivery across Local & Media campaigns.

Kantar Stradegy

This session will provide an overview of the types of data reports available in Stradegy and how/when to use them. 


Overview on the Numeris and all of it’s Canadian Media Planning Capabilities.

Sports Media Planning

Introduction to the sports media landscape and opportunities for advertising and sponsorship.


This overview is intended to provide you with a framework and tips on how to conduct a successful negotiation.


This course will cover the basics of CPPs and ways they are used in the buying, planning and promotions departments. A primer on how to use the new SQAD online will also be included.

TAP into the Full Power of TAPSCAN

Unravel the mysteries of how to run radio rankers – not only basic rankers for a metro area but for targeted specific zip or county groups, non-rated Nielsen Audio geographies and even qualitative targets.

Telmar Crosstab/Target Development

Want to know what makes your client’s consumer tick? Come learn how to use Telmar and Syndicated Research to: identify potential consumers and media use patterns, segment prospect markets, narrow consumer targets and identify efficient media options.

Course Advisors

BDI/CDI: Elizabeth A.
Telmar: MaryAlice K.
Kantar Stradegy: Katie M.
Numeris: Sami M.
Sports Media Planning: Sara VK.
Negotiations: Elizabeth A.
CPPs/SQAD: Tara F.
TAPSCAN: Katessa M.
Telmar Crosstab/Target Development: Dana T.


F:\30 Day\D.E.N. One Sheets
Course Liaison(s): Elizabeth A.

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Course Advisors
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